//string/function(btn, jtippy):string - overridden by the title attribute - function is run every time the tooltip is displayed and can be used to grab content via XHR/AJAX
title: '',
//string ('click', 'hover', 'focus', 'hoverfocus'): defines when the tooltip should be shown
trigger: 'hoverfocus',
//string ('auto','top','bottom','left','right'): preferred location of the tooltip (defaults to auto if no space)
position: 'auto',
//string ('black', 'lt-gray', 'white', 'blue', 'green', 'red')
theme: 'black',
//string ('tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'large')
size: 'small',
//string|false ('black', 'white', 'blurred'): Only works with trigger: "click"
backdrop: false,
//string: class(es) to add to the tooltip
'class': '',
//boolean: if true, when this tooltip is triggered, all others will hide
singleton: true,
//boolean: if true and trigger: 'click', when clicking outside the tooltip, it will be hidden
close_on_outside_click: true,
}).on('jt-show', function(e, tooltip, hide){
//triggered on show of tooltip
//the tooltip's jquery dom object is provided as the second param
//to hide the tooltip, run hide()
}).on('jt-hide', function(e){
//triggered on hide of tooltip